In WAS, coach Jim Zorn emphasized "the importance of taking a professional approach as everyone strives for improvement this offseason."
For the first time as head coach, "Zorn... addressed the team while wearing business attire instead of Redskins sweats and running sneakers. Owner Daniel Snyder contributed a burgundy-and-gold tie and cuff links with the Redskins' logo for Zorn's presentation."
According to Coach Zorn, the suit and tie was for effect:
"When I addressed our players, I wanted to address them in such a way that it had some purpose to it. What I really wanted to do was sort of set the stage.
I want to coach a team that is a playoff team, not just a team that gets to the playoffs. Do you see what I mean? I want these guys to be perennial. I don't want it to be a question of, 'Gosh, are we going to make it?' I just want us to say, 'Where are we going to be seeded?' But we've got a lot of work to do to get to that point.
As we evaluate our schemes and evaluate our players, that's where it's all going to take place. We're not going to make wholesale changes. My charge to all of our players is to get better. Even the guys that have been around for a lot of years, they can improve."