Corey Maggette, who moved from Mike Dunleavy and the Clips to Don Nelson and the W's in the offseason, and Baron Davis, who made the opposite move, are providing insight into what it's like to play for coaches whose styles contrast.
According to an article in the SF Chronicle:
So different are the tones set by Dunleavy and Warriors counterpart Don Nelson that Corey Maggette - who made the reverse journey to the Warriors this summer - proclaimed that Davis was in for a "rude awakening" in Los Angeles.Davis, having known Maggette since the two were in sixth grade, took the words with a grain of salt - but Maggette had a point.
"It's definitely different," Davis said. "I mean, with Golden State, you know how it is. The energy there was more relaxed. More free. It's more fun.
I would say here, it's more serious. More attention to detail. Long film session, at least 30 minutes, maybe 40. Then walk-through. Then practice. So we're in there for almost three hours, sometimes. Nellie was like an hour, hour-fifteen."
In many ways, Dunleavy is the antithesis of Nelson. The Clippers' coach likes structure, is a stickler for details and has a short leash with his players. Davis is a strong-willed player who wants free rein.