After consecutive losses, McNabb "organized a players' only meeting and called out his teammates," telling them he was "embarrassed" by the team's performance.
This past Sunday, McNabb led his team to a come-from-behind win on the road.
According to one Eagles player, McNabb lit the fuse: "I think after the guys, the leaders, (Brian Dawkins) and Donovan sitting down with us and talking to us. I think what they said really resonated inside of us in the sense that we need to come out and just make plays."
Said McNabb:
"It all starts with confidence and how you feel mentally. Coming into this week having a winning attitude. I tried to relay that message throughout the week and also show it on the sideline: Just motivating the guys, that we're not losing this game, we're gonna win this game. A lot of things are necessary to win this game. Sometimes you may need a little kick or a little push. That's in everyday life, not just in sports."