John Harbaugh has guided the Ravens to a 6-4 record through the first 10 games of his first year as a head coach. He credits much of the team's improvement to a strong emphasis on
discipline and accountability:
"We talk about treating guys like men—strong men who are accountable for what they do. It's our responsibility as coaches to be man enough to uphold that accountability. It loses its impact if the coach is not willing to uphold the accountability for everybody. I think guys appreciate it when they see the program run that way because they know it's the right way and that's the most effective way to do it.
We are installing the program we were hired to install and one that I believe in. I don't know that it's more or less discipline. It's just what I was raised in, what I believe in. It's the only way I know how to do it. If there is any other way to do it, I wouldn't be interested in it."